by Jack Pinnar-Smith February 24, 2024 1 min read

It's important to clean your dental appliance thoroughly to remove any accumulated bacteria and debris, which can cause bad breath and other oral health issues.

While sterilizing tablets can kill bacteria and other germs, they may not be effective at removing plaque and other debris from your appliance.

It's best to clean your appliance using a combination of a sterilizing tablet and an ultrasonic cleaner, such as the Dental pod. This will help ensure that your appliance is properly cleaned and maintained.

A study using microscopes to look at dental plastics found that traditional cleaning methods, such only soaking in a chemical solution, remove significantly fewer microorganisms than ultrasonic cleaning with a sterilizing tablet.

I recommended to use a sterilizing tablet with the Dental pod to clean your oral appliance on a regular basis.

The specific frequency at which you should use a sterilizing tablet with the Dental pod will depend on the type of appliance you are using and the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer.

As a general rule, I recommend using sterilizing tablets at least 2-3 times per week to keep your oral appliance fresh, clean and safe to wear.  

It is also important to rinse your appliance thoroughly with water after using a sterilizing tablet to remove any residue that may remain on the appliance.

I hope that you’re now more confident about taking care of your oral appliance. If you need more advice, please don’t hesitate to contact Zima Dental customer support at

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